Mr tortoise

greetings from Mr Tortise
greetings from Mr tortoise

Greetings from Mr Tortoise, man of the car who always looks so helpless. He sits on the front seat of my Toyota all the time; ensuring my safety but never ever helps me out when I need him. I dont blame him though because as you can see…he is already hopelessly helpless himself.  Im just glad that he is always there beside me when Im driving, although he dont even look happy. 

His cute moment captured by my beloved qian.

smiles are contagious

If u put a moody person in a room full of people who are simply smiling or laughing at some random jokes… sooner or later, the moody person will reveal his/her smile as well…

Smiles are so contagious.

its good.

I always believe that you should never ever complain together with a moody person when his/her tell you her problems/worries. A moody person is already feeling very pessimistic and sad, it would not help throwing any more sad, pessimistic thoughts into the person.

I love smiles….

when Im moody, its helps so much for just anyone to stand right in front of me… smile with his/her widest smile and simply say, ‘dont be sad anymore alright? smilee~~’.

It will not make your trouble disappear…but for a moment, you will feel like smiling. A moment of smile can change the way you look at things….

the trouble would not seem as huge anymore and even if its just for a moment… you can forget why u were sad.

I love taking pictures of smiling faces. It makes me happy and I want my pictures to make people happy. Its a simple thought but that is the reason why I took up photography in the first place.

However, it needs a happy photographer to capture real, ‘from the heart’, smiling faces. hence, I will always… always try to think ONLY about happy moments as well as the smiles I see when i go out with my friends. These ways… I can be happy.

This is my way of thinking simple and sometimes… simple is the beauty.

When I close my eyes tonight, I thought of the little boy that I saw a few months ago who was playing in the park with his daddy. I thought of the smiles I see in my friends’ faces when they were eating hotpot. I thought of our laughters on friday nights. I thought of my secondary school friends and how we laugh from the top of our lungs everytime we meet up. I thought of all the faces of my family and friends who look at me, and just smile.

I believe that we can choose what we want to see…

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we all adapt

A friend asked, ‘Can you imagine me staying in KL?’

After soooooo many years, we are all so used to Melbourne lifestyle.  It feels like home even when we all know bloody well that its not; the stress free environment, the laid-back life, the city where everybody gets his/her personal space and the time to sit down to chat with a cup of cappuccino for hours. We embrace it…the ‘multi-cultural yet western’ lifestyle in Melbourne. I hope u get what I mean. Melbourne is an immigrant city. It is dominated by western coffee and pubbing culture but the people around you are mostly immigrants from Asian or European countries. We can have eggs benedict with cappuccino for breakfast one day and yam cha for another. Thai restaurant is located side by side with a shanghai restaurant and a Vietnamese restaurant. Its peaceful. People are friendly and because its so down under in the part of the earth where nothing is close by, people feel closer with one another. This is where I have spent my 5 years. Seeing that im 21..I have spent a quarter of  my life here… but I don’t hesitate when I answer my friend’s question. I said,

“I cant imagine u staying in KL, but I know u will adapt and manage… and in no time at all, it will feel like home again”.

This is what I have come to believe.

We adapt to any changes.

We get used to any relationships like a form of habit.

But when something new is introduced to us, we have the ability to change habits and even lifestyles.

We have no loyalty.

However, amongst all the disloyalties, we try to grasp on to every moments…. afraid that yesterday, along with what we felt that day, will just become part of some forgotten history.

Sometimes, its this thought that makes me afraid. Because I know perfectly well that people can get used to almost anything and still be happy at a reasonable level, I begin to wonder where would I stand in people’s past. I hope to be my friend’s present and future. I want to be there when they go through the process in trying to adapt, but at the same time… Im afraid that once they have adapted… i will be forgotten….

Because relationship is so fragile… its scary sometimes….