Ghost story

I can’t remember anymore…

Times without them…

Nobody treats them seriously, but I’m dying because of them…

‘They can’t be that bad’

They are wrong


I am alone in my room.

No cars can be seen on the road. This is nothing unusual. 2.40am is the loneliest hour. Clubbers call it a night and businessmen stay motionless in bed- charging their energy for battle once the sun rises in a few hours time.

The invisible rises.

When the second hand strikes 2.45, human no longer owns their land.

The fallen leaves on the pavements are swirling above the ground in the winter night. The branches on the leafless tree are slowly parting their trunks one by one. They are giving in to the strong wind that comes every 2.45am to capture the soul of all living bodies.

The darkest period of the night.

I shut my window tight.

The wind is haunting me.

It hits on my windowpane and the strength moves through my empty living room to the wall that leads to my lighted bedroom.

I can feel the vibration on the wall.

They are going to break through the wall and capture my soul away.

I am ignorant to my own death.

Before I knew it, they have entered my warm heated florescent lighted room and sucked my soul away from behind.

That is why I am decaying.

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